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About me
Hey there, my name is Janneke and I grew up in Vienna and Lower Austria. Since graduation from the HTL (Department IT und Organisation) I’m a Student of Journalism at Vienna University. I used to work for the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation some years, a television program called „Sommerzeit“. Right now I’m making my dream come true and work as a blog coach. This way I can help other bloggers make the best out of their hobby!

Blog Your Thing - Blog Coaching

I’ve always been the visual type and therefore loved Design of any kind (Interior Design, Food Design, Photography, …). But my love for baking – kneading the dough, smelling the cake in the oven and seeing the faces when people take the first bite of a cake, cookie or whatever – didn´t surface until after graduation. And believe me: I really don’t want to miss that any more ;)

Über den Blog
I built my first website on a summercamp when I was 12 years old. Since then I was interested in everything new on the internet. And when blogs came up I had to try it. So I started an experiment in fall 2009 – Orangenmond.

By now my blog is much more to me than an experiment! It’s the place where I collect recipes, share things I found on the internet. My hope is to inspire you to try new things, and most importantly, have fun working with your own hands and baking your own cookies!

Orangenmond: GebackenesWhole Grain Brioche * Strawberrytartelettes with Vanilla Cream * Strawberry-Yoghurt Cake with Meringuecream
Chocolate Cupcakes with salty Caramel-Buttercream * Rhubarb-Raspberrycake * Oreo Cupcakes


If you want to read Interviews with me or Guestarticles I wrote for other Blogs, please go to my press-page!

If you wanna share some love please feel free to grab a Button for your blog!!